Meet the Executive Committee

REASURE2 Executive Committee guides the strategic direction of the program. It supports good governance and helps create an environment that reinforces and motivates inter-institutional, international, and regional collaborations to foster effective implementation of the objectives of the program. REASURE2 Executive Committee steers and guides the implementation of plans and delivery of the program.

Jude Dzevela Kong

Executive Director

York University Canada

Fevrier Kesha

Queen's University Canada

Allan Iwama

Federal University of Paraiba, Brazil

Ellie Perkins

York University Canada

Goitom Mary

York University Canada

Bawa Sylvia

York University Canada

Mduduzi Mbada

The Presidency of the Republic of South Africa

Wilson Cabral

ITA – Aeronautics Institute of Technology, Brazil

Bruce Mellado

University of Witswatersrand South Africa

Jianhong Wu

York University Canada